Well, it happened again. Another senseless police shooting in the state of Illinois. Another one that hit home for me as it
occurred in
Champaign, the city I lived in for four years while I attended college.
This time, the crime that provoked the shooting death was even more ludicrous. A 15-year-old boy was allegedly found breaking into a house with his friend. Cops responded and when this child was found to be resisting arrest, he was shot. And he died.
I know this kind of stuff happens everyday. But I'm not so jaded that when this takes place in a community I care about, I don't stop to at least reflect on the injustice. Coming just about a month and a half after the
Barmore shooting in Rockford, I'm more than a little disgusted with police behavior in my home state.
Upon investigation, authorities found that the house the boy was supposedly breaking in to was where he lived, as a sort of adoptive son/godson to the resident. Debra Thomas, whose house the teen -
Kiwane Carrington - was trying to get into, said
Carrington was welcome in her house anytime.
Now, I don't want to have to bring race into the picture. However, I must note that when I searched for the story on the News-Gazette site to link up an article, a fair amount of the results I found were either titled "Race played an issue in teen shooting" or "Race was not an issue in teen shooting." Interesting. Like Rockford, I found
Champaign - the parts outside of campus - to be pretty obviously segregated. I'm not saying these cops were prejudiced but, in a way, this story made me think of the Gates fiasco of this summer but, with a horrible twist.
All I can say is, the punishment did not fit the crime. You don't shoot kids. Especially not for breaking into a house. Call for back-up, something.
You can judge for yourselves. Here's an article about the incident:
http://www.news-gazette.com/news/courts_crime_fire/2009/10/13/home_renter_15-year-old_who_was_shot_lived_there. You can find more accounts on the Champaign News-Gazette site.